T-bone accidents, or side impact accidents, generally happen at intersections and occur when one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle. Generally speaking, T-bone accidents result in more serious injuries in comparison to other types of auto accidents, and it is not uncommon for drivers to be ejected somewhat out of their seat. Proving liability can be difficult in these cases, so speak with a car accident attorney as soon as you can in order to determine what you should do in order to build a strong case.
11 May 2015
People who go through divorces already know how stressful and challenging they can be. While it's a well-known fact that a divorce can do a number on your bank account, recent research has found separating from your spouse may also bad for your heart and not just in the sad love song kind of way. Here's more information about this connection and what you can do to reduce your risk of having a heart attack after divorce.
17 April 2015
Have you ever noticed the bars around the bottom of semi trucks? These bars are guards that keep cars from going under the truck in the event of a collision. Going under can result in the top of the car ripping off and the driver becoming decapitated. Too many trucks have either a weak or no ICC bar at all. If you have a loved one who has been seriously injured or killed in a collision with faulty or no ICC bars, you need to know what your legal options are.
2 April 2015
If you have a child with a disability, he or she may qualify for benefits from the Social Security Administration. In order to qualify for disability benefits, your child's disability must be recognized by the Social Security Administration as a qualifying condition. Additionally, you'll have to be able to show that your annual income is within the required limitations. The goal of the disability benefit program is to provide funds to help families without the financial means to handle the medical needs on their own.
13 March 2015
If you've recently fallen far behind on bills and are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may assume that getting out from under your debt will automatically place you in a more favorable financial situation. However, a recent study has shown that the aftermath of some 2005 changes to the federal bankruptcy laws may not always be rosy for consumers. Read on to learn more about some of the risks you may undertake when filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, as well as what you can do to protect yourself while filing for bankruptcy.
3 March 2015
If you were involved in an accident with a semi-truck and suffered major injuries and losses because of this, you should immediately hire a truck accident attorney. Truck accident attorneys know the laws in your state relating to truck accidents, and they will know how to help you prove that the accident was not your fault. Your attorney will look into every aspect of the accident to look for reasons the accident took place.
13 February 2015
While divorce is becoming more and more common, children still struggle to understand the concept of their parents separating and don't know what it means for them. While your divorce is undoubtedly going to have a significant impact on your children, you can help set the stage for a positive outcome by being supportive and avoiding contention with your former spouse. Here are 5 creative ways to ease your children through divorce, child custody, and child support proceedings.
4 February 2015
Now that your divorce is imminent, you may wonder how you'll get through the separation from your spouse financially intact, especially if you have very little income of your own and kids to care for. If you have bills and other critical monthly expenses, the divorce could potentially devastate to your finances. Bankruptcy is an option your attorney may suggest you take to help you overcome your financial problems after your divorce.
27 January 2015
Most people go to the hairdresser and enjoy the opportunity for a new style and a reinvigorated image, but sometimes things go wrong. If you slip or fall over at the hairdresser, you may find yourself dealing with more than injured pride, so it's important to understand what steps you can take. If you've had an accident at the hairdressing salon, learn more about your legal rights and the steps you may need to take if you want to file a lawsuit.
21 January 2015
You might have all of your social media settings set to "private," but that doesn't mean that the things that you post can't be used against you in court. If you are getting divorced, the things you do and say on social media can stick with you. In fact, one study showed that 81% of matrimonial lawyers stated that they used or came across social media evidence in the past five years.
16 January 2015