3 Things To Evaluate Before You Sue For Injuries From An Auto Accident

Law Articles

When a person causes a car accident that leaves another person injured, the injured party has the right to seek compensation for the injuries. If you are in this type of situation and would like to know how to go about seeking compensation for your injuries, there are several things you will need to know. The main thing to understand is that suing the responsible party for compensation is normally considered the last resort.

13 December 2016

Did Your Spouse Pay the Ultimate Sacrifice Before Becoming a US Citizen? Here's What You Need to Know

Law Articles

Over 31,000 people serving in the U.S. armed forces are not American citizens. These service members put their lives on the line fighting for freedom, and some of them die while doing so. The United States recognizes and honors all service members, especially those who pay the ultimate sacrifice, and in the case of non-citizens, the U.S. allows the fallen soldiers' closest family members to apply for posthumous citizenship on their behalf.

4 November 2016

Facing Your First Legal Malpractice Claim? What Are Your Defense Options?

Law Articles

If you're like most attorneys, you faithfully pay your malpractice insurance premiums with the hope that this will wind up being money down the drain after you go decades without ever enlisting the help of your insurer. Unfortunately, malpractice lawsuits can befall individuals at any stage of their careers, and you may at some point find yourself being personally served a complaint by a representative of your former client. Even attorneys who are well-versed in other areas of the law may not be familiar with malpractice defense, and having your reputation -- or even your professional license -- on the line can be a highly stressful experience.

8 August 2016

Arm Injuries: 4 Financial Impacts For Lobster Fishermen

Law Articles

Being a lobster fisherman is a career that is filled with hard work and great rewards. If you're a lobster fisherman, then you understand how much physical labor and stamina is needed on a daily basis. Being involved in a personal injury like a car accident can dramatically change your ability to properly fish, especially if your injure your arm. Losing out on this type of work can mean that you've lost out on a lot of money.

11 July 2016

Defending against DUI by Consent Charges

Law Articles

Many people are unpleasantly surprised to learn that in Tennessee they can be charged with DUIs if they give intoxicated persons permission to drive their vehicles. Called DUI by consent, this charge can result in the same type of consequences associated with actually being caught drinking and driving. Because of this, it's even more critical to do everything you can do to avoid being convicted of what are essentially second-hand DUI charges.

20 May 2016

Ways An Insurance Company May Try To Reduce Your Settlement

Law Articles

If you have been injured in an auto accident, and the other driver has some fault in the accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. This will help you recoup money for your medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. However, as soon as the claim is filed, the defendants' auto insurance company may begin working to reduce their liability in the case. This can save them money and reduce the amount of your final settlement.

11 April 2016

Boundaries You May Want To Set Up When Legally Separating

Law Articles

Legal separation is something you might be considering if your marriage is going through extreme difficulties. It is often the first step towards divorce; however, it can also be a tool used to reconcile a relationship. If your goal is to use this time to see if the marriage can be mended, you and your spouse should sit down and discuss guidelines for the separation. These are often referred to as boundaries or rules, and they can be quite helpful for a couple that hopes to be able to repair a broken relationship.

17 March 2016

The Advantages Of A Limited Liability Company

Law Articles

If you are about to start your own business, then you need to think carefully about how you decide to structure or organize this business. Organization means that your business is classified as a sole proprietorship, a limited liability company, or an individual doing business as. A limited liability company (LLC) is a good choice if your business will be owned by multiple people. There are also some legal advantages to the type of business.

10 February 2016

3 Tips For Single Fathers Looking To Gain Custody Of Their Child

Law Articles

Child custody battles are never easy, and as a father looking to gain custody of your son or daughter, you have a difficult road ahead. The unsettling truth is that, despite a large shift in gender roles, mothers are more likely to win the custody battle. Therefore, it's important you go into the custody battle prepared and knowing exactly what is expected of you. Below are three tips to help you with this: 

21 January 2016