Tips For Dealing With A Veteran Benefits Denial

Law Blog

Just because you are a veteran doesn't mean you'll automatically receive benefits. They can sometimes be hard to get and even lead to a denial. If you were just denied, reviewing these tips will make your appeal process a lot easier to grasp and orchestrate. 

Identify Appeal Deadline

You may be pretty frustrated after getting denied veteran benefits. Despite how many years you served and fought for your country, a denial is thrown in your face. Don't let this frustration lead to procrastination because there are time limits in place for when your appeal can be sent in regarding this ruling. 

Identifying it early on can help you plan around this time period a lot better, ultimately preventing you from missing the cut-off period. That would be devastating and leave you in a bad financial spot. Most states require you to get an appeal in exactly one year from the time you receive the denial letter.

Send in NOD Letter to Right Destination

Regardless of why you feel like you deserve this veteran benefits denial appealed, you will have to complete an NOD (notice of disagreement) letter. You want to include the right information in this letter but also make sure it's sent off to the right location. If you don't, your appeal may go undiscovered and then you miss the appeal deadline.

There should be an address on the denial letter that you received from a VA organization. You want to send this appeal to the same address. Double-check to make sure this letter is addressed properly before sending it out too. These steps are huge in getting in relevant information to make your appeal possible.

Hire an Attorney to Complete the NOD

Now when you do find time to start putting together your NOD letter, it helps to bring in an attorney that handles strictly veteran benefit denial law cases. Then you won't have to wonder what to put in this letter or how it should be formatted.

You will get step-by-step directions. Usually, these attorneys will recommend keeping it simple and not going into too many details about your opinions on the decision. Instead, you want to keep it short and factual. 

There are certain things you have to do after being denied veteran benefits. If you research these steps and carry them out in a timely manner, your appeal has a greater probability of being accepted. 


30 March 2021

Hurt at Work? Get the Compensation You Deserve

Getting hurt while on the job can leave you in pain and without an income for some time afterward, but that doesn't mean that you have to start going to the food banks to make ends meet. Working with a lawyer to file a personal injury case (if the injury was due to neglect by another party) is a great way to get compensation you deserve for lost work, and to get your medical bills paid so you don't have to pay out of pocket for high deductibles. This website was built with love to provide you with up-to-date information you can use when working with a lawyer, filing paperwork, and dealing with all of the hoops and red tape of your personal injury case. Hopefully you can find the support you need right here.