Three Reasons To Do A Split-Week Custodial Agreement

Law Blog

When splitting custody of children, it can be difficult to draw up an agreement that will give each parent a full schedule with their child. After a divorce, it will be necessary to work out a custodial arrangement that is perfect for the children and the parents. If you do not want to do every other week or every other month, there are other choices for child custody. One of these options is to split every week between both of the parents. Here are a few reasons why this works well. 

Each parent is involved in special weeks

Even if you do not get Christmas day with the children, you may be able to get Christmas Eve or take them shopping the day after Christmas. If you have to split Thanksgiving, they can eat again at your house that weekend and enjoy setting up the Christmas tree. Special weeks being split between both of the parents will not leave anyone feeling slighted and will allow each parent to celebrate the holidays with the children without having to wait every other year. 

You stay in the school loop

If something is happening at school, such as a special presentation, a play, or a musical event, your children will be able to let you know about the event. If you split every other week or month, there could be times when you hear about school events too late. Your child will also be able to give you fliers and notes from teachers without having the time to lose them. Having communication with your child in person each week will mean that you never miss a big event in their lives. 

You do not feel cut off

It is common to be depressed after a divorce, and not being able to have your children on a daily basis can get to you. If you are alone for weeks at a time, it is easy to fall into a depressive rut. By having your children every single week, you never feel cut off from family and you must keep up with school schedules, after-school activities, and other small family needs just like when you were married. This will allow your life to continue in a normal fashion so that you have a reason to keep going. Being with your children weekly will also let you enjoy alone time to get back a personal life, without having to make a complete 180 switch to feeling single and without children. 

For more information about this and other custody arrangements, talk to a lawyer from firms like Hertz & Kearns.


15 March 2018

Hurt at Work? Get the Compensation You Deserve

Getting hurt while on the job can leave you in pain and without an income for some time afterward, but that doesn't mean that you have to start going to the food banks to make ends meet. Working with a lawyer to file a personal injury case (if the injury was due to neglect by another party) is a great way to get compensation you deserve for lost work, and to get your medical bills paid so you don't have to pay out of pocket for high deductibles. This website was built with love to provide you with up-to-date information you can use when working with a lawyer, filing paperwork, and dealing with all of the hoops and red tape of your personal injury case. Hopefully you can find the support you need right here.